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Sitecore Field Types Update

Today I created a new release of the Sitecore shared source Field Types project. You can download the new “drop 3” release from or visit the trac page at to view the documentation. Not a great deal of updates to the module for this release. I added an interval property to the slider field to allow specifying the interval the slider should “click” between the minimum and maximum values. To use the new property simply add it to the data source of the field definition. So to have the slider field allow selection of values between 7 and 23 in increments of 0.25, set the following data source on the field definition.


Here’s how the field definition should look:

Slider field configuration

And the resulting field on an item:

Slider Field

Checking the subversion log there would also appear to be some updates on the Visual List field made by Paul Martin. These updates allow setting the width and height of the images shown in the field in the content editor. Simply supply the “w” or “h” parameters in the data source for width and height respectively. So to set the images to appear as 40 x 30 thumbnails specify the data source as follows:


And this would cause the thumbnails to follow that dimension.

Visual List Field with custom dimension thumbnails


Thanks for putting the release out, great to see you doing this.

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